27 July 2008

Wild Swans

My vacation read this week was Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China, by Jung Chang. I guess my take-home for this was that I just really had no idea. I had some vague notion of what happened under Mao, but really I had no idea what daily life must have been like (imagine having to spend your time ripping up the bourgeois grass from the yard, which would be one of the more innocuous things you might have to worry about during that time). Wild Swans is unique in that it takes you through three generations of women in China. Go read it.

I also intend to read Mao: The Untold Story by the same author together with her husband, but I'm holding out for the Kindle edition (hint hint). Wild Swans isn't available in a Kindle edition, so I was readin' it old-school. I picked it up at my favorite bookstore in all the world, Leelanau Books.

Now, back to Greenspan's book...

1 comment:

Erdos56 said...

I understand Greenspan has a new forward for the paperback edition. I'm holding out hope that he will might take some responsibility for failing to provide timely and critical analysis to Congress concerning housing and tech bubbles.