09 May 2009

Do I want a Kindle DX?

Amazon will release the Kindle DX this summer (it's available for pre-order now). You will know I'm a huge fan of the Kindle, so you might be wondering whether I'm going to rush out and buy one of the new ones. The answer is, nope. I really like the size of the Kindle 2, and I wouldn't want to carry around something as big as the Kindle DX (my Kindle 2 is with me pretty much everywhere).

Now, some of you parents out there will nod your heads in recognition when I say that my son goes to high school laboring under a backpack full of a good 45+ pounds of textbooks and various paraphernalia. As the Kindle DX weighs in at a bit over a pound, and is aimed at least in part at the textbook genre, do you think if I were him that I'd be interested in one? You bet I would be. I would love it if my kids could have all of their textbooks on a Kindle DX, and so would they. So, Amazon, if you're listening, if you work it out so that their textbooks are available on the Kindle DX (btw, you can pretty much skip anything from Texas, as far as I'm concerned -- no offense, Amy!), I'll take two.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe this will help explain the crack about Texas in my earlier posting:


There is no excuse for this whatsoever in 2009.