05 April 2009

Happens Every Day

After making omelettes du fromage et jambon this morning for my kids and myself, I finished Happens Every Day: An All-Too-True Story, by Isabel Gillies (which I read on my Kindle 2). This is a quick read, not the kind of nonfiction I usually read but really good, I thought. It's the story of a woman with a storybook life, and how she was robbed of it. It's the best kind of story, in that it's simple, powerful, and so well-told and easy to relate to that it almost seems familiar. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I hope you will, too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I happened to see this book come through the library and it sounded familiar so I brought it home. I, too, found it to be a quick, interesting read but not terribly well written. I am always suspicious of an author who says "I feel badly". It's unusual for me to like a book and dislike the protagonist. However, the minute Ms Gillies told about crying all the way to Ohio because her kids would be Mid Westerners made me livid!!!!!! :-)