04 February 2009

Web Coolness

Did you ever hear a song on the radio and wish you knew what song it was, so you could add it to your music collection? That happens to me a lot, and I notice that pretty much every time it does the DJ neglects to tell me.

Here's how the Web comes to the rescue. When I hear a song that I feel I must have, but I don't know what it is, I hit 'J' on my Blackberry to dial Jott. Jott is an online transcription service; I call Jott and say some stuff to them, and they transcribe what I say into various electronic forms (emails, online lists, etc.). It kind of goes like, "Ring...Who do you want to Jott?" "Myself." "Beep." "The Office is on tonight -- watch it!" Then I get an email that says, "The Office is on tonight. Watch it," or I can see the text online.

Then I found out about Nabbit. Nabbit knows the radio stations I listen to, and what they're playing at any given time. If I visit Nabbit with my mobile browser, I see a list of all my radio station presets, and I just need to choose one to see what it's playing at the time.

Which is cool enough, but here's where it gets cooler: Jott and Nabbit are buds. So I can Jott like this: "Ring...Who do you want to Jott?" "Nabbit." "Nabbit. Is that correct?" "Yes." "Beep." "KCLC." Jott transcribes my "KCLC" (the call letters of the radio station playing the song I like), sends it to Nabbit, Nabbit looks it up for me, and I get the name and artist of the song. Pretty sweet, right?

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