To quote the literary genius
Jim Anchower, "I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but things got crazy, if you know what I mean." The last time I wrote it was from Bend, OR, where I was interviewing because my company announced the closure of my site in Ann Arbor, MI. We just finished moving away from there, but not to Bend (which was nice, but probably not the right place for us). Nor did we move to Seattle, or Cambridge, or Groton, or Indianapolis, or La Jolla, or Thousand Oaks, or someplace in New Jersey of which I'd never heard.
Where we
did move is
Wildwood, MO. Turns out to be a pretty nice place actually, despite the punishing heat in the summertime. My new job is very cool, the people here are fantastic. The move went pretty smoothly, actually, although we did have couple of issues that were kind of a drag to deal with. But, that part is pretty much over now. The truth is, relocation is incredibly disruptive and time-consuming, but moving to a new place can be pretty interesting.
The proverbial fly in all of this relocation ointment is leaving our friends from Ann Arbor behind. We all had great friends there, and it was very hard to leave them behind. Lots of my friends moved to Groton, CT, one of whom I miss terribly (you know who you are). That's the real cost of moving.
One good thing about moving here is that I've taken up Shotokan karate again. I used to train at
Sensei Bill Bly's excellent dojo in Cary, NC. I was pretty pleased to find a Shotokan dojo very near where I work in Chesterfield, the
Missouri Karate Association. I really like doing Shotokan, and I think the people at MKA are great.
More later. Peace out.